Why we forget things easily

The Anxious Investor
3 min readDec 13, 2020
Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash

It is quite common to forget things sometimes, and also when you age a bit, it is considered normal to be forgetful. Although there must be a point of normalizing the forgetful behaviour, how can you know it is the time to take this as a severe memory loss? It’s essential to see if it is painful or not.

Here, we would discuss the reasons for forgetting prevalent things like birthdays of your loved ones, special events, or maybe you forget your phone after putting it somewhere near yourself.

So let’s look at some of the points that need to keep in mind why we forget things quickly:

  • Obstruction

Obstruction is way too familiar, as we all have experienced in our lives. As if someone asks you something and you know the answer, yet it is blurring in your brain to comprehend it. Or might you listen to the song tune and know which song it is but you couldn’t say it. This is just like blocking or might be having difficulty getting a memory clear. On some occasions, the hurdle is a memory that is as same as you want, but you connect with the wrong one. This becomes unwanted that you cannot memorize the memory you desire for.

Most of the research by the known scientists have concluded that usually, obstructions come when you age, and this is a minor problem if we talk about older adults who forget the names of the people and places quickly. Also, humans are capable of retrieving the memory data within a minute.

  • Biased Memory

Often, you think that this is a clear picture of your memory. Still, it is not because your memory is somehow refining your memories with your own additional experiences, thoughts, and information you might be desiring of. Hence, this is one of the facts that you forget things by getting extra details from your brain and mix them with memory.

It depends on the attitudes and mood of the person at that moment. Moreover, there is no apparent scientific proof yet observed.

  • Collapse of storage

Some of the information we forget is not that we have forgotten, but it wasn’t supposed to be stored as a long term memory. If the collapses of information get encoded, this could help the memory not enter long-term memory.

Let say you have given an experiment by looking at a particular thing and let you memorize how it was just after that. Would you be able to identify each and everything? Might be you have guessed the color shape or anything about it, but most of the chances are the partial information you have told wrong. The main reason is that your memory of that particular thing was not stored in your long term memory in your brain, which has caused you difficulty reminding its specification correctly.

  • Depression:

This can be a bit serious as depression gives high stress on your brain that you overthink, making you forget things easily. There is a disease called PTSD that happens when you have experienced traumatic exposure a lot.

Now before you forget, and I end this post don’t forget to clap and if you are interested in following my YouTube Channel, please click here:



The Anxious Investor

A property investor who’s ultimate goal is to help you live a happier & healthier life. beacons.ai/the_anxious_investor