Why Silent People are Successful

The Anxious Investor
3 min readAug 25, 2020

We are all guilty of sometimes neglecting or ignoring people who are natural introverts, quiet and shy. We often seem to favour, or get attracted more towards, those who speak the loudest and notice extroverts a lot more.

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

We rarely try to understand the nature of introverts despite history showing us many examples of high achievers, who were introverts and naturally silent before becoming the known stars they are today.

So today, I’ll be breaking down some reasons about some traits that make silent people successful.

[P.s. if you want to see an animated video version of this, check it out here]

Okay now let’s get started:

#1 Quiet people are great observers:

Firstly, the significantly common clue about noticing an introvert is to see how they react in a large group of individuals. They will always be quiet and likely saying very little.

But the question you should ask yourself is, ‘what are they doing then?’

Simply put, they are likely observing people and the conversations of others instead of just talking and tend to listen more than they speak.

This can then lead to people assuming “hey this person is really quiet or shy” when the truth is they are merely observing and soaking in all the information they need. A great trait for budding entrepreneurs to take note off. Listen and observe more.

#2 They think one step ahead:

Every organisation or a successful firm always looks for the employee who thinks one step ahead and has plan B right?

This is where introverts, often take the trophy.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

One precious habit of introverts have is they don’t just jump into things or ideas without thinking. They generally tend to plan for the upcoming risks that might later become a frustration for them having observed so much in the past. Being silent and thinking one step ahead is a crucial trait of successful entrepreneurs.

#3 They often add value when they speak

Having the benefit of hindsight and listening to others through observation and thinking ahead, introverts have the benefit of hearing everything before adding their views.

As introverts don’t quickly jump into conversations simply for the sake of jumping into them, their words are often considered more logical and beneficial. Reports from studies have shown, those who do this, are often considered more intellectual by their peers and their words tend to hold more value in the current conversations.

As a result of this, they can likely get decisions to go in their favour, or for their opinions to be heard and listened to more thoughtfully. A great trait for successful entrepreneurs.

So that is just 3 quick ways silent people use their silence to get ahead in life and become successful.

Yes, we can agree those who seem more confident have their benefits and attributes worthwhile of achieving success, but let’s not forget those who are observing, watching and learning in the background. For they are likely thinking ahead, absorbing the information ready to take action and become a success!

So can you relate to any of these points above, or can you think of any more?

Do you believe silent people are more successful than louder ones?

Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading.



The Anxious Investor

A property investor who’s ultimate goal is to help you live a happier & healthier life. beacons.ai/the_anxious_investor