The Anxious Investor
3 min readOct 3, 2018

“There are people less qualified than you, doing things you want to do, because they believe in themselves and take action”

Does this resonate with you?

You see for years now, ive seen people around me reach heights, in industries they had very LITTLE experience or qualifications in.

How? Solely through their own self belief and ability to take ACTION.

During my Personal Training years I witnessed 100s of gym goers sell Fitness Programs, diet plans and coaching sessions all without any understanding of the science that goes behind muscle building, fat loss or strength training.

Yet here I was with the knowledge, with the experience and understanding too afraid to believe in myself and take ACTION.

However, all i can say is KUDOS to those who didnt procrastinate or doubt themselves and seeked what they was after.

You see, the past 6–7 years has now shown me that people dont always care about what you say, as much as they care about how you say it.

If you come from a place of self confidence, illustrating a perception of knowledge and know how, you are likely to persuade those who seek what you claim to offer.

And this is where the magic lies! (Note to self: Lesson from my ex english teacher: “Never start a sentence with ‘and’ and ‘because’”)

YOU SEE the problem I, like many of you may have or have had are around our very own limiting beliefs. Coupled together with the opinions of others Ive always fell short of expressing myself when I should have and always found myself delaying my dreams until I reached a specific milestone.

BUT as I reminicse about what I dreamed of as a fearless child and the line from Bugsy Malones very own Fizzy, (his the tapdancer) hits me:

“Tomorrow never comes”

I realise that its NOW or NEVER!

You see, I always explained to all of my clients that I had worked with, that if you want a 6 pac then you must act like a person who already has it. For e.g:

  • You start to EAT right
  • You start to EXERCISE correctly
  • You prioritise SLEEP
  • You HYDRATE yourself daily
  • You ensure you are CONSISTENT

Simply wishing, wanting or waiting a set amount of time without pursuing that person WORTHY of the 6pac will leave you exactly where you currently are.

It is that lesson there I have now incorporated into my own LIFE. I have a bigger calling. I know it. I feel it. Ill now go and pursue it.

The reason for such tenacity behind my pursuit of this, is because we as far as my knowledge takes me, we dont get another SHOT at LIFE.

Once our ticker stops so does all our dreams, aspirations, wants, wishes, desires and promises!

But until then, we have the OPPORTUNITY to really make something of ourselves or become that individual destined to SHINE and serve in a way they truly desire.

I write this more, as a 32 year old individual who has achieved some GREAT successes in life, but who has also FAILED numerous times.

More so, due to a lack of belief, or executing when I should have executed. I have left many dreams and goals on the table because of MYSELF. Not because of someone else, not because i wasnt ready, but because I had convinced myself to stay in my COMFORT ZONE.

I have now made a promise to never leave anything on that table again and go be and do the things I want to do!

Have an awesome day!

The Anxious Investor

A property investor who’s ultimate goal is to help you live a happier & healthier life.