The only thing you need to SUCCEED

The Anxious Investor
4 min readOct 18, 2018


is not only FREE but you can start doing it NOW!

You see, achieving your goals can be easier than you think.

Now this article isn’t going to offer you a GET QUICK RICH scheme, nor will it offer you a fast track to suddenly fulfilling all your DREAMS.

But what it will do, is make the PROCESS easier!!

So whats the magic? Its simple. SELF BELIEF!

Yes, those 2 simple words which you’ve probably heard a 1000 are the key to you truly achieving and living your BEST life!

I have studied 1000s of entrepreneurs analysing their daily habits, mindsets, diets, networks and backgrounds and the key thing the majority of them displayed was their SELF BELIEF.

You see, you could be as talented as Bill Gates, or as entrepreneurial as Gary V, or as astute as Warren Buffet BUT if you lack the SELF BELIEF to achieve the heights of some of these individuals you will fall short.

Its the same with experience, SELF BELIEF is often higher when you gain some experience, but isnt experience just you gaining knowledge to allow you to believe that you can achieve something at a higher level?

We often require this level of experience to have that SELF BELIEF but often we can do this much sooner and we can convince ourselves that we are ready NOW!

Try it!

Try and BELIEVE in yourself, your mission, your ability to tackle problems, work out solutions, ride the ups and downs and figure it all out along the way to achieving MASSIVE DREAMS, now!

& watch your world start to change….

Now for anyone overly pesstimistic at this point, yes, doubt may be present but if you have the SELF BELIEF you can overcome the obstacles then you will SUCCEED.

I can’t imagine any successful entrepreneur having the ‘required’ skills they have NOW as we watch them in awe and imagine what life would be like in their shoes, but have we stopped and thought about when they first started. They didnt have the ‘experience’ then, only the SELF BELIEF.

So what are some of the benefits of mastering this:

  1. Your NOTICE more OPPORTUNITIES! Its a bit like when you buy a car, then suddenly notice it everywhere you go! (See reticular activation system) Believing in your vision and striving for it, daily will open you up to so many opportunies. I don’t know how this happens, but it happens. Just trust me!
  2. Your CREATIVITY will increase! Ever tried thinking when you are anxious or pessimistic about something? Exactly! Knowing and trusting your ability to solve problems and move forward, no matter how fast or slow, will allow you to stimulate your mind, get your creative juices flowing and help you find solutions.
  3. It will create a sense of ACTION! Yes, self belief unfortunately requires ACTION! But its so much easier working on something you whole-heartedly believe in.

So how do Develop Self-Belief?

The good thing is, you can LEARN how to develop your SELF BELIEF.

Remember we weren’t born with any sense of what we could and couldn’t do.

We have however gone through LIFE, listening to the opinions of others, watching scenarios in our own and other peoples lives and made our own LIMITING BELIEFS.

These need to be discarded, as they don’t SERVE you!

So quick steps to do this:

1. Set BIG but realistic goals. You shoot for 20 clients, and reach 10 thats far better than aiming for 10 and only getting 5. You set a goal of £100,000 profit over x number of years, and feel a little queasy saying that, just recognise this isn’t as uncommon as you think. People do it daily. If they can, so can you!

2. Always CELEBRATE your accomplishments. Reflect on your progress as you move through your journey and celebrate the wins. This is massively important or else you will struggle to find it sustainable and stop enjoying it.

3. Never COMPARE yourself with others. My favourite quote ever is: “Comparison is the thief of joy” (Check out my very short post on this: )

4. Skill up. Always level up, and you do this by getting out of your COMFORT ZONE.

5. Learn from others. MENTORS, both in person, or through podcasts and books can help you activate that belief. Find what helps you and works for you. Someone who has similar values to you and work with them to 10x your JOURNEY!

6. Develop your Superpower (Check out my slightly longer post on this:) You are unique. You have something you can deliver to the WORLD, nobody else can. Just find it, hone it and develop it.

7. Create that VISION daily. Think about it, feel it, breathe it and tell those you trust about it who can hold you accountable.

Remember what OTHERS think about YOU is not as important as what YOU think about YOU!

Have an awesome day!



The Anxious Investor

A property investor who’s ultimate goal is to help you live a happier & healthier life.